n several different colors, which, of course, makes it a variable-color product. However, the price for the mats remains the same, regardless of it color. I chose ‘color’ for my attribute and listed the various colors for the variables. The problem is that, when choosing ‘variable product,’ the option to enter a price, shown when clicking on ‘General,’ disappears, so I can then no longer see anywhere to enter the price. I’m sure this is an easy questionn several different colors, which, of course, makes it a variable-color product. However, the price for the mats remains the same, regardless of it color. I chose ‘color’ for my attribute and listed the various colors for the variables. The problem is that, when choosing ‘variable product,’ the option to enter a price, shown when clicking on ‘General,’ disappears, so I can then no longer see anywhere to enter the price. I’m sure this is an easy questionn several different colors, which, of course, makes it a variable-color product. However, the price for the mats remains the same, regardless of it color. I chose ‘color’ for my attribute and listed the various colors for the variables. The problem is that, when choosing ‘variable product,’ the option to enter a price, shown when clicking on ‘General,’ disappears, so I can then no longer see anywhere to enter the price. I’m sure this is an easy question

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